Etoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactives
After archiving all last year's shots we found out very quickly that there are still copious amounts of beautiful unused images, sleeping on our hard drives for ever. So, why not hooking all archive-harddrives up on the computer and make a small video: More than a year of MNP-trips in one video. Some would call it a video or movie: We say it is more a slideshow of good memories, unique moments with unique friends, funny stupid things, stunning nature and, ah, yeah, and some good sailing. mauinerds.comCast: Johannes Neumann and Kevin PritchardTags: Kevin Pritchard, Johannes Neumann, Travel, California, United States, Windsurfing and Roadtrip

Lire la vidéo : Coming Home