Etoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactivesEtoiles inactives
Every year the crew at Billabong puts together a team trip... dream locations and a plethora of world class waves with picturesque settings to match. It's always great to take a break from the competitive grind and go back to your purest surfing roots... sunburnt cheeks, noodle limbs and a content, surfed out grin shared with your friends. - FelicityCast: BillabongTags: billabong, womens, sumbawa, paradise, teaser, surf, Felicity, laura Enever, Justine Dupon, Courtney, Alessa, Frankie, Stephanie Single and Ellie- Jean

Lire la vidéo : Hello Paradise Sumbawa Official Teaser